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R Series ReMix


Back and better than ever, The ReMix is the latest and greatest in #ThisThingRips popular R Series. While the overall design hasn’t changed much, a completely revamped atomizer system results in even better performance! Now equipped with a new DOUBLE WALL THERMAL CUP that evenly vapes and maintains perfect temperature. #ThisThingRips R Series Remix VAPORIZER KIT

COIL-LESS NO glues, NO fibers, NO metals goodbye coils, hello future. DOUBLE WALL THERMAL CUP New Double wall thermal cup technology that evenly vapes and maintains perfect temperature. DIRECT QUAD AIRFLOW SYSTEM Increased airflow for larger rips. ULTRA DISCREET DESIGN Take it with you… Everywhere.
1 x 6500 Micro Amp Battery 2 x Thermal Cup Atomizers 1 x Discreet Pen Cap 1 x Polycarbonate Visual Reaction Chamber 1 x Mouthpiece 1 x Patented SURE-GRIP Silicone Jar 1 x Quick-Charge USB 2 x Cleaning Wipes 2 x Silicone Heat Rings 1 x Stainless Steel Tool 1 x Instructions For Use
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Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix
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ThisThingRips R Series ReMix

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accesorios & refacciones
Imagen de ThisThingRips R Series ReMix Cartridge
R Series ReMix Cartridge
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